This page is dedicated to any businesses owned in their majority or its entirity by someone with the last name Agredano. Esta pagina esta dedicada a negocios del cual los dueños majoritarios o por completo son de personas con el apellido Agredano.
Owners: Justino & Oscar Agredano
Agredano ownership percentage: 100%
Location: Pasadena CA and Chandler AZ
Business description: Software development company. Data Warehousing, Custom Development, Web Site design, IT Helpdesk.
Website :
Main Product:
Owners: Cesar Agredano Malo
Agredano ownership percentage: 100%
Location: Mexico
Business description: Somos una casa productora y agencia de publicidad especializada en la producción de comerciales y contenido de televisión.
Dedicados a mejorar la imagen de las Ciudades y Empresas.
Agredano ownership percentage: 50%
Owners: Rene Agredano, Jim Nelson
Location: U.S.A.
Business description: Jim Nelson and Rene Agredano grew their full-service marketing communica
tions firm for ten years in a remote small town. In 2007, they hit the road in a fifth wheel trailer with their dog Jerry after he lost a leg to cancer. They have been full-time RVers ever since—working from home, in their mobile headquarters.
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