Home Page Online
The main purpose of this web site is to gather as much information about the Agredano's as possible.


El proposito de este sitio es de adquirir la informacion que mas se pueda de los Agredano.

Agredano Businesses / Negocios Agredano

This page is dedicated to any businesses owned in their majority or its entirity by someone with the last name Agredano.  Esta pagina esta dedicada a negocios del cual los dueños majoritarios o por completo son de personas con el apellido Agredano.

Somi Data LLC

Owners:  Justino & Oscar Agredano

Agredano ownership percentage:  100%

Location:  Pasadena CA and Chandler AZ

Business description:  Software development company.  Data Warehousing, Custom Development, Web Site design, IT Helpdesk.

Website : www.somidata.com

Main Product: www.suiteorders.com


Owners:  Cesar Agredano Malo

Agredano ownership percentage:  100%

Location:  Mexico

Business description:  Somos una casa productora y agencia de publicidad especializada en la producción de comerciales y contenido de televisión.
Dedicados a mejorar la imagen de las Ciudades y Empresas.

Website:  www.agredano.mx

Agreda Communications

Agredano ownership percentage:  50%

Owners: Rene Agredano, Jim Nelson

Location:  U.S.A.

Business description:  Jim Nelson and Rene Agredano grew their full-service marketing communica
tions firm for ten years in a remote small town. In 2007, they hit the road in a fifth wheel trailer with their dog Jerry after he lost a leg to cancer. They have been full-time RVers ever since—working from home, in their mobile headquarters.

Website:  www.agreda.com

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© Oscar Agredano